The Story Shift

It's Time To Tell Your Story

Let Your Story Be The Way Forward

We all tend to pack away trauma and life events like used, scuffed up shoes. Seal up the box, put it up on the shelf, try to forget about it.

Take it out occasionally, when we want to feel good and crappy, then tape it back up, back on the shelf it goes. Right?

What if…it doesn’t have to be that way?

In fact, for you to reach your true potential, it CAN’T be that way. What you don’t realize is those very things gathering dust up on your mental shelves, hold the keys to your brilliant, abundant life.

The kind of life that you’ve always dreamed of having. And the mindset to go along with it. I get it, trust me. One of these days, I want to start a podcast called, “Ya’ll Ain’t Gonna Believe This Sh*t”, I’ve been through SO much in my life. But it’s not about what’s happened to you.

It’s about what you’re going to do with it.

The Story Shift - Mandy Schulis

You hold the power

The opportunity to re-write and reframe your story with YOU as the hero, NOT the victim.

It goes to say that Story Shifters are also, by nature, cycle-breakers.

You are the ones that have lived four lifetimes in one and are usually the ones doing things a bit differently.

Standing up for the things you see that just aren’t right.

Sound familiar?

Your story has incredible power. By sharing your experiences, you not only heal yourself but also inspire and uplift others who may be going through similar struggles.

Embrace your story and use it as a catalyst for profound change.


The Story Shift guided experience

Mandy is now offering The Story Shift Guided Journal Experience.

A chance for you to experience the process that I KNOW works because it is how I overcame trauma post-divorce… It’s how I got VERY intentional after leaving my abusive marriage. It’s how I decided what parts of my story were staying...and which parts I was burning to the ground.

Now it's YOUR turn to be the creator of YOUR story!

Join the Waitlist for the January 2024 cohort!

In The Story Shift You'll Get:

  • Rewrite your story

    Mandy Will Guide you Through Rewriting Your Story

  • Q&a

    Deepen Your Experience through Live Q&A Sessions

  • Shared Experiences

    Group Support + Networking with Other Trailblazers

  • Special Session

    A Special "Get Shit Done" Session

Your Guide


Mandy Schulis is the founder of The Schulis Creative and Co-Founder of M² storytellers Inc. She is a Certified Trauma Informed Story Coach, Keynote Speaker, Mindset Maven, Author, and Fairy Godmother. It's her mission to help empower women to find their voice, change their narrative, and live their lives boldly and purposefully.